At NVSS our school community shares responsibility to actively travel to and from school impacting student road safety, reducing traffic congestion and promoting healthy and active lifestyles.
The City of Gold Coast’s Active School Travel (AST) program aims to reduce traffic congestion around schools.
Active School Travel is a free program to help Gold Coast school students, parents and teachers leave their cars at home and:
- re-mode - encourage people to increase walking, cycling, use of buses and carpooling
- reduce car trips by carpooling or combining trips
- re-time school related trips – consider dropping children a bit earlier or picking up children later
- re-route – taking a slightly different route to avoid congested roads.
Benefits for children who actively travel include:
- increased road safety skills
- improve student health through increased physical activity
- children arrive at school alert and ready to learn
- improved concentration, sleep and relaxation
- improved self-esteem, confidence, independence
- opportunities to make friends and enhance social skills
- more time together with family and friends.
- local community benefits include:
- reduced traffic congestion
- safer school drop-off and pick-up zones
- improved air quality
- a more social community.
Norfolk Village State School joined the City of Gold Coast's Active School Travel 3 year Program in 2022.
The overarching aim for Norfolk Village State School’s Travel Action Plan is to reduce car trips to and from school by 10% from 72% down to 62% by:
- Increasing the number of students walking to and from school
- Increasing the number of students cycling/scootering to and from school
- Increasing the number of students catching the bus to and from school
- Increasing the number of families carpooling to and from school
To improve road safety skills of our students and their families
NVSS Actions in 2024:
Fun, Fit, Friday - Active School Travel Breakfasts
On this day we meet at the Park N Stride, Ormeau Football (Soccer) Club, Halfway Drive, Ormeau. We work alongisde our P&C, not-for-profit organisations and local businesses to provide a free breakfast for students and their families before actively travelling to school.
National Walk Safe to School Day - 19 May
Primary school aged children across Australia will make those important steps towards a healthier future by participating in National Walk Safely to School Day in 2024.
National Walk Safely to School Day is a community initiative that aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking (especially to and from school) can provide for the long term well-being of our children.
National Ride2School Day
We will Join more than 350,000 students across the nation who will ride, walk, scoot and skate to school in 2024
National Ride2School Day is Australia’s biggest celebration of active travel and one of the best days on the school calendar. It is a day full of fun and colour where students, teachers and parents discover the joy of riding and kick-start healthy habits for the future.
Park & Stride
In 2024 we will continue our Park and Stride program to help in reducing traffic congestion.
The attached map shows some suggested locations to park and paths to travel to school on foot or bike.
Every Friday, students at Norfolk Village SS will have the opportunity to participate in Fun, Fit Friday and can walk, scoot or ride to school with teacher/adult supervision.
Please see below for times and meeting points:
Staggered Pick Up
Continuing to focus on to reducing school traffic congestion (particularly through effective use of Kiss & Go zone), promoting a healthier school community and contributing to a cleaner, more sustainable Gold Coast.
Retiming pick up and drop offs to minimise traffic congestion and wait times around school.
The City of Gold Coast offers a series of free cycle workshops for all ages and abilities to help you get on your bike and enjoy the many benefits cycling can provide.
All workshops are led by accredited instructors and cover tips to make you a safer, more confident cyclist.
Check it out: Contact Gold Coast City Council for further information
AST Resource Hub