
Behaviour management

​​​​​​​Positive Behaviour for Learning Demonstration School
In 2018, our school has been successfully accredited as a Positive Behaviour for Learning school which is an outstanding achievement for our school! As one of only four state schools in Queensland to be recognised for this, I would like to congratulate every member of our school community for their commitment to this process! Our attainment of the PBL Demonstration School status recognises the significant work that our school community has undertaken to embed Tier 1 Positive Behaviour for Learning and our whole school commitment to improving student outcomes through implementation of positive behaviour support. Congratulations to our staff, students and the entire school community on developing a positive school culture where every person is valued. As a result of this significant and outstanding achievement for our school, schools from across Queensland will visit us to learn from our example and we look forward to welcoming them to share our work.

Our three school commitments of: I am Safe, I am Respectful and I am a Learner are the embedded foundations to maintaining a safe, supportive and disciplined learning environment at Norfolk Village State School. Our Responsible Behaviour Plan outlines our system for facilitating positive behaviours, preventing problem behaviours and responding to unacceptable behaviours. Parents, students and staff school opinion survey data indicates very high levels of satisfaction with the social climate of the school. The school has developed and established a comprehensive 2016-2018 Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students which is based on the Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) philosophy. Included within this framework is the High 5 and Cyber Safety 5 processes which are explicitly taught in every classroom for students to use when responding to bullying.

The school operates a Positive Behaviour for Learning committee which meets each month to discuss school based behavioural data, establish behaviour focuses for explicit teaching each week and review/update Positive Behaviour for Learning operations and processes across the school. In Term 4 2016, Norfolk Village State School was accredited as a Tier 1 Positive Behaviour for Learning school by the Department of Education and Training and is now working towards Tier 2 accreditation. The school has developed a comprehensive 2017 Positive Behaviour for Learning action plan which is actioned, monitored and reviewed each month by the PBL committee.

The school has allocated additional funding to ensure that we have a full time Guidance Officer. The school also has a part time Chaplain (three days per week) who is available to assist students. The Chaplain is funded through the National School Chaplaincy and Student Welfare Program in partnership with Ormeau Community Church Ltd. Despite the rapid growth of the school, external and internal feedback is that the school has a “positive” culture which is embedded in the daily operations of our school and which assists new children to the school in feeling supported.

Norfolk Village State School provides a supportive school environment where each classroom operates on the premise that teachers have the right to teach and students have the right to learn in a safe and supportive environment.

Every classroom has the following expectations for students:

  • I am Safe
  • I am Respectful
  • I am a Learner

This common language is embedded in every classroom and team to ensure the learning behaviours and expectations are consistent across the school. “Student behaviours” have been defined by two categories: - Social and Academic. We know that if students do not have these identified behaviours, it dramatically impacts upon their ability to learn and access the curriculum.  

Social Behaviours
Academic Behaviours
Social, Physical and Verbal   Respect
Attention and engagement
Positive Self-Concept
Strategy and Problem Solving Skills
All Teaching staff use our P-6 Behaviour Scope and Sequence to inform the specific teaching of Behavioural skills which draws on the 'You Can Do It' program and the ACARA Social and Emotional General Capability Guidelines. 
Last reviewed 27 July 2023
Last updated 27 July 2023